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Inexpressible joy!

“though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.” 1 Peter 1 : 8

The world is in deep trouble and times are dark. How do you respond to all this bad and fake news? The secret is Jesus and the joy that simply flows from Him to you. This joy of Jesus need not ever depart from us. Even in the face of all the nonsense around us. What we do is this : we drink deeply of the life of Jesus and soon we can do no other than dance in the face of adversity and if we can’t dance, then we settle for shouting : Praise the Lord!. Try it and praise always raises up and never pushes down – if it comes from a pure and believing heart. Become His polished arrow and pierce the darkness!

Read : 1 Peter 1 : 1 – 9 and pray this : O God, You have everything wonderfully sorted out. I take today a deep drink from Your Holy Spirit and take Your Joy! Your joy is my birthright – and I choose not just to take it, but to live it! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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