With many of the children arriving at our village malnourished or with medical conditions, ranging from HIV to Asthma, the medical needs of our children are great. With the help of our local doctors and Local Choice Pharmacy clinic, we have been able to get our children the medical care they need and those on chronic medication are now monitored and sent for regular check ups to see that there various medical conditions are well controlled. We also make use of Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists to help us check all our children’s developmental milestones to ensure that they are growing and developing at optimum level. Extra therapy always costs the village precious funds but we are determined that our children receive the best care and the best services to enable them. One little boy arrived at the village, malnourished to the point that he was unable to walk or crawl, although he was 18 months old. We were told by the placement agency that they were concerned that he may never work or that severe damage may have been caused due to malnutrition. He was wearing the shirts of an 18 month old child but the trousers/bottoms of a six month old, with tiny little legs that could barely carry his sitting body. He was given great medical care from the local doctors, nutritional advice and Occupational Therapy assessment and guidance and within eight months he had started crawling and pulling himself up and started developing his lower body muscles and strength. He has been with us for almost a year now and is running, playing and dancing along with his peers and reached all his milestones. Without access to good doctors, good quality nutrition and Occupational Therapy his progress would not have been as quick or successful.
If you would like to find out more about how you can help with these medical needs, please click the "learn more" button below: