Lynn was seven years old and her eighth birthday was being planned. Her parents had already decided what her birthday gift would be. With a ‘SOLD’ sign on a pink bicycle with a basket in the front and tassels on the handle bars, stood the gift ready for collection. Lynn had no idea that she was to be the recipient of this dream bike, so the surprise would be huge. Then the parents decided to make the surprise even greater. They sat her down, pretending that they had not yet planned her birthday gift at all, and asked her : ‘Lynn, what present would you like for your birthday?’ Lynn never hesitated in her reply : ‘I would like to sponsor a little girl.’ The parents were shocked and speechless.
The parents had certainly not bargained for a moment on such a response. The conversation went this way and that way, but Lynn remained resolute in her wish.
The parents had an unusual meeting with the bicycle store owner, explaining their daughter’s desire for her birthday and feeling quite embarrassed to ask for their money back. The store owner gave them their money and then went into action himself. He spread the word of Lynn’s birthday wish and customers began filling a box with their own change and financial donations. Once the money collected sufficed, he bought the bicycle and surprised Lynn anonymously with the pink bicycle delivery some months later.
Back in Brazil, a girl named Jennyfer had her life transformed. She went to school every day and she had daily meals, books and stationery. She learned how to sew and plant food. Why? All because Lynn did what she could. Mark 14 : 8 Is there something that you can do?
By the way, this is a true story.